Cyfandir Wiki

A charming and cheerful man, Bermon was a joy to those who knew him. Little is known of his early life, only telling his family small details of his earlier days before meeting his wife Lynx as an adventurer. To most, he was simply known as the easygoing, likeable owner of Delver's Paradise, a privately-owned store catering towards adventurers, explorers, and most anyone interested in delving where they don't belong.

It was his charismatic and engaging demeanour that made his death all the more confusing and tragic. A fire broke out one night within the store, with no explanation for it to this day. His two sons were thankfully saved by a passing group of individuals who climbed to the upper level of the building to rescue them, but Bermon was presumably trapped and lost to the flames. With his wife away on an expedition at the time and the kids on a different floor to where the fire started, there was no one alive to say what happened.


As part of the ceremony bonding him to Lynx, he took the name Ferret as part of a tradition of her family to take on the name of an animal the individual feels defines them for whatever reason. When asked about his choice of animal to represent him, he would smile and say something to the effect of "I'd like to think I'm pretty cute. Also sly, but mostly cute."

Following his untimely death, Lynx returned from her expedition and set about the grieving process with her sons. His remains were buried in the forest of [SOMETHING], a place he greatly appreciated and visited for serenity and reflection, as well as where Lynx and him would enjoy time together. There she waited for eight days at his grave as a guardian, also a tradition in her family. She'd wait for a sign that her husband's spirit had safely moved on.

On the eighth morning, a ferret stalked up before plopping down next to her. For hours they simply sat together without a word or movement. Eventually the ferret finally departed, rubbing its head against her before disappearing into the nearby bushes and into the forest.
